Congestion and spillback modeling

Table of Contents

An edge of the road network is composed of three parts:

  • An entry bottleneck (or in bottleneck) that limits the flow of vehicle entering the edge.
  • A running part where the vehicles travel at a speed given by a speed-density function.
  • An exit bottleneck (or out bottleneck) that limits the flow of vehicle exiting the edge.

These three components are presented in more details in the following sections.

Vehicle types

Each vehicle type of a road network is characterized by:

  • A headway: length between the head of the vehicle and the head of the following vehicle (headway should be given under traffic jam or low speed conditions).
  • A passenger-car equivalent (PCE): weight of the vehicle compared to a standard passenger car, in bottleneck scenarios.
  • A speed function: vehicle speed as a function of the speed for the base vehicle.
  • Allowed edges: list of edges that the vehicle can take (all edges are allowed if empty).
  • Restricted edges: list of edges that the vehicle cannot take (all edges are allowed if empty).

Exit bottleneck


Each edge of the road network has an exit bottleneck with a flow \( s^o \), expressed in PCE per second. The value \( s^o \) is called the output flow of the edge. When not specified, the output flow is \( s^o = \infty \), i.e., there is no restriction to the flow of vehicles that can exit the edge.

When the output flow is finite, i.e., \( s^o < \infty \), then each time a vehicle with a PCE \( v^{PCE} \) exits the edge, the exit bottleneck is closed for a duration of \( v^{PCE} / s^o \) seconds. For example, if the output flow is \( s^o = 0.5 \) PCE / second, and a standard passenger car (\( v^{PCE} = 1 \)) exits the edge, then the exit bottleneck gets closed for 2 seconds. Therefore, with an output flow of \( s^o = 0.5 \), there can at most be 1800 PCE vehicles exiting the edge in a hour. The value \( 3600 \cdot s^o \) is usually called the output capacity of the edge.


When the within-day model starts, a BottleneckState is created for each edge of the road network with a finite output flow. The BottleneckState holds the timing of the next opening of the bottleneck (by default set to 0.0) and a queue of vehicles waiting at the bottleneck (empty by default).

Additionnally, events BottleneckEvent are used to simulate the opening of a bottleneck. A BottleneckEvent holds the execution time of the event (i.e., the opening time of the bottleneck), the index of the edge the bottleneck belongs to and an indicator for entry or exit bottleneck.

Assume that a vehicle \( v \) with PCE \( v^{PCE} \) reaches the end of an edge with output flow \( s^o \) at time \( t \).

  • If \( t \) is later than the bottleneck’s next opening, it means that the bottleneck is open. Then, the vehicle exits the edge and the next opening is set to \( t + v^{PCE} / s^o \).
  • If \( t \) is earlier than the bottleneck’s next opening and the bottleneck queue is empty, it means that the bottleneck is closed and an event needs to be created. Then, a BottleneckEvent is created with an execution time set to the bottleneck’s next opening. The vehicle \( v \) is inserted in the bottleneck queue. The next opening time is increased by \( v^{PCE} / s^o \).
  • If \( t \) is earlier than the bottleneck’s next opening and the bottleneck queue is non-empty, it means that the bottleneck is closed and an event has been created to let the next vehicle pass when it opens again. Then, the vehicle \( v \) is pushed to the end of the bottleneck queue. The next opening time is increased by \( v^{PCE} / s^o \).

When a BottleneckEvent is executed at time \( t \), the next vehicle in the bottleneck queue is allowed to exit the edge. The next opening time of the bottleneck is set to \( t + v^{PCE} / s^o \). If the queue is not empty, the BottleneckEvent is set to execute again at time \( t + v^{PCE} / s^o \).

Note. For edges with an infinite output flow, the simulator behaves like if the exit bottleneck is always open.


The within-day model needs to record the observed waiting times as a function of the entry times in the bottleneck. Therefore, a piecewise-linear time function is built with a period and an interval length defined by the parameters period and recording_interval (see Travel-time functions for more details).